We got us some baby chicks! They are arriving through the mail. I had to order them in 3 separate orders to get a blend of the ones we wanted. I was interested in good egg layers, with calm, friendly personalities that would also make nice pets. The friendly part was more important than amount of eggs. That is why I order 12 of them, to make up the egg deficit. I was not interested in the crazy birds that give chickens a bad name.
The place I ordered from Meyer Hatchery offered to toss in some mystery chick in an incentive they call the Meyer Meal Maker. They will give you a free chick for each order you place, the intention is grow them up and to give the eggs or meat to a charity. Could be shelter, home, or the family on hard times down the street. I like that idea so I got a few tossed into the mix.
The first batch arrived in a small box at our local post office on the Tue April 16th. As we entered the hallway we could hear them peeping very loudly. Inside this parcel would be, 1 Barred Plymouth Rock, 1 partridge Cochin, 2 light brahma (1 hen and a roster). Plus, a free meal maker. The meal maker turned out to be a surprising white peep. I am told no one knows what it is for sure, but it will not be a roster.
Unfortunately my poor little cochin, did not fair well on her journey from Ohio and she only lasted about 30 mins after leaving the post office, no amount of heat that we could give her could bring her back from her extremely cold stressed state.
Second batch arrived at the post office on the Thur. April, 18th, these little ladies were not as noisy as the first package, but they peeped all the way home. They were very curious and looked out at me from the security taped down box lid.
Inside this little box was 1 Buff Orpington, 1 Australorp, 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte and the meal maker mystery chick which turned out to be a little red bird. We are guessing it is prob. a Rhode Island Red.
They were not put off by being handled either. So we got them out of the box, showed them the water and they settled in under the heat lamp. The other chicks we very welcoming.
The last batch are due to arrive on the Tue, April, 23. Inside this container are 2 Buckeye and a Delaware.