We thought we would try to beat the crowds and head to the bridge earlier today. There were still many people out doing silly walks from the previous night’s revels. As they were winding their way back to where ever (or, in a few cases, staying put where ever they happened to lay down on the sidewalk), the day was getting started for the rest of the city.  The scene was a bit more clamorous than the previous morning.
Again, we were greeted by a foggy morning in which the magical morning light never appeared. Â We looked around some new streets on the way back to the apartment to see what the others were up to and get some breakfast.
Had a late start to the day. It appears that Rask and Derek hit hit the town after some of us went to bed. There were business cards from strip clubs on the table this morning, although we were assured that was just advertising they received without patronizing them, and instead only went to the places with the chainsaws and flaming drinks.
In spite of the late start and sleepy peoples, we covered lots of distance on our further adventures in Prague. Freq was interested in some thrift shop explorations so somewhere around noonish the troops were assembled and headed off to find the underground M. We all got tickets and off we went to parts unknown. After a few minutes, we were into the non-tourist parts of the city. After a few cases of wandering in the wrong direction, as tourists often do, and we have done more than once, we found our way to the thrift shop.
After some shopping, we then tried the next logical form of mass transport, the tram. We took the tram that would take us to the Dancing Houses by Ghery in hopes that we would be able to refresh ourselves in the Fred and Ginger Restaurant on the top floor. We were stopped at the elevator and told that it was full… : ( We didn’t believe them. No matter, there were lots of other places to visit and other restaurants happy to take our koruna.
After some much needed refreshments, we made our way over to the old Jewish quarter. It was interesting, but a bit expensive for us to fully explore, so we peered in windows and gateways, then looked at the items for sale, tried on funny hats, then made our way to Old Town Square to finally watch the famous astronomical clock do its thing. Thea, Param, Derek, and Paul, climbed to the top for a panoramic view of the city. Rask took a long nap and Freq got some postcards, stamps and gifts. Debbie posed patiently for her portrait to be taken from those who went to the top of the tower — that’s her next to the glass of sangria in the corner of the cafe, center of the picture.
All in all, a great day had by all, lots of photos taken and sore feet and legs.