Welcome to Florida sign
Florida welcomes us though the dirty bug splattered windshield.

Today, we received a very warm welcome from the “Florida Welcomes You” sign at the border.
It was sunny with clouds in the high 80s and thankfully not the 90s projected earlier in the week.

We slept in for a bit this morning and left our overnight campsite heading down the road for a 30 sec. drive (just as described by our camp host) to the gas station, to fill her up and get the step-stool out to scrape yesterday’s bugs guts off the windshield. Hitting the actual highway at about 9:30 am.

More abandoned builds from days gone by passed our windows. As we drew near the North and South Carolina border, we could see a huge tower off in the distance. We wondered what could it be? As we got a bit little bit closer, with the moving sunlight shining on it, we could make out it was a giant sombrero sitting on top of a tower. It was a beacon for the South of the Border attraction. Unfortunately, in my stunned disbelief in what I was seeing, I didn’t grab my phone off its navigation perch to grab a photo of the thing. I’ll try to snag one on the way home.

Many reminders via various signs and billboard that we are in Guns, God, and Babies Country (or is it Jesus, Guns, and Babies?). In any case, the end is near and it would be a very good idea to repent now if we knew what was good for us.

Florida welcomed us as did the google map lady when we hit the state line. Lots of road and bridge/overpass and other infrastructure building is happening in this fastest growing state in the country.

overhead view of new roadwork
a view from above of the new lacy knot of roadwork near Jacksonville Fla.

Last night we were able to reserve one of the last available campsites at the same campground we reserved months ago. Lady Luck was with us again and tomorrow we’ll be moving over to our proper site tomorrow.

a tangle of trees
a bit of the jungle

We arrived at our campground somewhere around 4:30’ish this afternoon. It is a jungle out here! In between thinly laid roads (more like paths) and the tangle of trees and shrubs they have carved campsites. I will get a better photo of our campsite tomorrow. It was too dark with shade from the thick jungle cover to get a good shot. I did take this shot on the main connecting road. It is a fairly open space.

Sign to not feed wildlife.
We won’t be feeding these animals.